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Over the last six months the response to our initial blog site has been fantastic! Thanks for all your enthusiasm and support.

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Thursday, August 18, 2016

Meet Dennis Vallone - Drummer

An Interview with Dennis Vallon - Drummer

Hi Dennis, how many years have you been playing?
I've been playing for about 48 plus years.  

What was your first drum set?
It was from Two Guys Department Store.  I don't remember the brand.

How many bands have you been in?
I've been in at least ten plus bands.  

What's it like to gig?
Gigging for me is the only place where I can be and forget everyone else pretty much like therapy.  

How often do you practice?
I don't practice much anymore unless I have to learn new material.

What was one of your accomplishments as a musician?
I think accomplishment wise... it's great just to be a part of a community of musicians and to interact with them on a musical and friendship level as well.  There's nothing better than playing live music with talented players like some of the people I've performed with over the years.

             Visit tothegig.com and check out the Pre-Launch of our musician App. 


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