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Saturday, August 6, 2016

Meet Keith McGee

Here's an interview with Keith McGee

Hi Keith, how many years have you been playing the guitar?
I've been playing for 47!!! (wow)

What was your first guitar?
It was a Kawaii acoustic my Dad brought back from Japan in 1969.

What musician influenced you?
My biggest influence was a friend of mine Billy Coleman.  He influenced many aspects about music-think, not just my playing.

How many bands have you been in?
I count about a dozen, not really that many for all the years I've played.

What's it like to gig?
Gigging is still great in the sense that you get to do what you love even if there are moments when you're not loving it.  I've been fortunate in the sense that most of the gigging experiences have been with players who are better than me.  It's great for growth and keeps it fresh.

How often do you practice?
Practice is currently dictated by the amount of material I need to learn each week.  It's usually two to three hours every other day.  My current gig is a very busy function band, The Groove Shop.  There is usually a lot of music to learn.

What was  one of your accomplishments as a musician?
One of my accomplishments would be the most important one: to be considered for gigs by a wide variety of great musicians in great musical situations.  That is most important to me as a musician.

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