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Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Meet Scott Hogan

An Interview with Scott Hogan

Hi Scott, where do you currently reside?
I live in Parsippany, NJ.
What's it like to have a CD out and in your view the current state of the music industry for independent artists?
I feel that streaming services and YouTube are having a detrimental effect on the industry.  If people think these sites won't affect the music quality, then they are sadly mistaken.  I would rather pay a monthly subscription plan to YouTube, and I use Itunes since it compensates artists.
How do you promote yourself?
Mostly through word of mouth.
How many years have you been playing?
I've been playing bass for 24 years.
What musicians influenced you?
For bass playing: Jaco Pastorius, James Jamerson, Stanley Clarke, and Will Lee.  I've also had an even stronger influence from musicians I've played with or studied with such as Bernie Worrell, John Patitucci, Mike Richmond, Don Regan.
What's it like to gig or tour?
Most of the time it's a great high to create music with people you've become close to.  I've played for large crowds and small ones, and that doesn't particularly matter.  What feels good is listening and conversing musically and trying to work together to make something sound beautiful.  I've traveled to a lot of places I would never have seen without music, but touring is exhausting.
Tell us about your gear.
I mostly play a fretless five string Lakland.  I use a Gallien Kruger head through a Hartke 15 cabinet. Playing with Bernie Worrell got me into using pedals.
What advice would you give a newbie musician?
Try to avoid seeing music as a competition.  It's about working well with other people, focusing on listening to them, and respecting what they have to say.
What was one of your accomplishments as a musician or what are your goals?
It's funny because playing on the Grammys would be viewed as an accomplishment, but I didn't have any fun doing it.  I've had better nights just playing a local club.  I would like to keep growing as a musician by increasing my vocabulary on the instrument and improving on my listening skills.

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