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Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Meet Rick Norman

Today's interview is with Rick Norman.

Hi Rick, how many years have you been playing?
I've been playing for 50 years.

What was your first guitar?
My first guitar was a Sekova Teisco 2 Pickup Red Sunburst.  They are very popular today if you can get an old one.  They aren't great guitars but they had a pretty descent sound and looked great.

What musicians influenced you?
My biggest influence was the Beatles. There was also The Who, The Stones, Cream, Led Zeppelin, Jimi Hendrix, Neil Young, Bruce Springsteen and even todays Courtney Barrnett.

How many bands have you been in?
I've been in at least five formal bands. . . nowadays it's My Buddy Paul which is actually a band of brothers who are like minded players and great people.  There are around twelve of us who gig together in different lineups and combinations of duos, trios, four piece or whatever any specific gig calls for.  It's the greatest having all of these amazing musicians and friends gigging together.

What's it like to gig?
I love to gig.  It is transplendent!  Just getting to the gig and setting up and then just playing!!!  I lose all sense of time and just take off being surrounded with great musicians.  We never play a song the same way EVER!  We know the songs and we just let it take off and try to add our own thing to it!  When you play with great players it is an unbelievable way to do a gig!  It keeps us all on our toes and at the same time allows for interpretation and excitement every time we play.

How often do you practice?
After playing for so long, music just becomes a piece of you and what you are.  I have guitars all over the house and pick them up and play them all day and night.  Not continuously but as the spirit moves me.  Some days more than others . . .  like if I have to learn a specific song or part.  I spend as much time as needed to get it down.  Best thing to do is listen and build the part over time.  Then before you know it you have it!

What was one of your accomplishments as a musician?
I have been so blessed with who I have met and been able to play with over the many years I've been playing.

One highlight that comes to mind is when Jules Shear who is a good friend asked me to record guitar parts for a solo record of his called Longer to Get to Yesterday.  He is such a great songwriter and arranger.  So for me that was a once in a lifetime experience.

Another would be working with Roger Moutenot, another very good friend, who produced and contributed mightily to the last three recording projects of mine.  I wrote songs for these projects and Roger made them sound like a dream come true.

Lastly, the following people I value beyond measure and am so fortunate to count them as friends as well as killer musicians:  Peter Danese, Joey Trentacosta, Ron Ossis, Paul Simeone, Al Egizi, Adam Egizi, Tim Gysin, Kevin Humphris, Dennis Vallone,  Charlie Palanzo, Mike Rose, 
Richie Brunner, Jerry DeLisio and anyone else I missed!!!  You know who you are!  These guys are the best bunch of musicians you could find ANYWHERE!

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