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Monday, August 15, 2016

Talented Musicians - Meet John DeDomenici - Guitarist

An interview with John DeDomenici

Hi John, how long have you been playing the guitar?
I think it's been like 24 years but as a professional musician I think I'd say ten years.

What musicians have influenced you?
The band Greenway influenced me to become a musician.  Tom Petty is also a huge influence on me with his music but more importantly his ethics.

How many bands have you been in?
Yikes there are so many!!!  I'll narrow it to just bands I've toured with which I think is seven.

What's it like to tour?
It depends really but I find it normally to be a pretty regimented day.  You wake up, get breakfast, drive for like four hours, get to the show, load in, do a sound check, get the popular food in the area, play the show, load out and hopefully go out for an hour then to the hotel and sleep.  You just repeat that for everyday that you're on tour.  It's kinda like being in the army but you don't have to be in shape and you can be drunk.

How often do you practice?
My main band can't practice that much because half of us live in Cali and half of us live in New York.  We usually practice twice before a tour and for like a week before recording a record.  I personally practice about an hour a day probably four to five times a week when I'm playing out a lot.

What was one of your accomplishments as a musician?
There are a few.  The first is doing the theme song for Weeds one week on showtime, another is touring Australia and the third is having a record  debut on the billboard chart!!

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